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Error Tracking Overview

Discover Insights with Error Tracking in Analyzee

At Analyzee, error tracking serves as a dynamic tool to uncover and resolve issues in your applications. Whether you're monitoring application performance, tracking error occurrences, or identifying trends in system behavior, our error tracking feature empowers you to explore and address issues in an intuitive and customizable manner.

Error Tracking in Analyzee Error Tracking in Analyzee

What is Error Tracking in Analyzee?

Think of Analyzee's error tracking as a personalized lens through which you can monitor and analyze application errors. Instead of drowning in a sea of logs and error messages, our error tracking tool allows you to visualize error distribution, frequency, and patterns with ease.

How Does Analyzee's Error Tracking Work?

Every application error tells a story, and Analyzee's error tracking feature helps you decode that story. You select the error types, severity levels, and visualizations that matter most to your analysis. Want to identify critical errors affecting user experience? Interested in tracking error trends over time? With Analyzee's error tracking feature, you can tailor your analysis to suit your specific needs effortlessly.

Error Details

Each error occurrence is accompanied by it's own custom dashboard, which provides detailed information about the error, including:

  • Error Message: A detailed description of the error.
  • Error Occurrence: The first and the last occurrence of the error.
  • Occurrence Count: The total number of times the error occurred each day.
  • Top Pages: The pages where the error occurred most frequently.
  • Session Details: The user sessions in which the error occurred.

Error Details


Want to get notified about critical errors in real-time? Analyzee's error tracking feature integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Slack and Discord. You can set up custom alerts and notifications to stay informed about error occurrences and trends as they happen.

How to set up error tracking in Analyzee:

  1. Select the project you want to track errors for.
  2. Navigate to the error tracking section.
  3. Go to the integrations tab within settings.

Error Tracking Integrations

Integrating any platform is easy, all you need is the webhook URL for the platform you want to integrate with.

Slack Integration

Slack Integration

Slack is a popular messaging platform that allows teams to communicate and collaborate effectively. Follow the steps provided in the Slack integration guide to set up error tracking notifications in Slack.

Visit the Slack Integration Guide for more information.

Discord Integration

Discord Integration

Discord is a communication platform that enables teams to chat, share files, and collaborate in real-time. Follow the steps provided in the Discord integration guide to set up error tracking notifications in Discord.

Visit the Discord Integration Guide for more information.

General Webhook Integration

Want to use a different platform for error tracking notifications? No problem! You can set up a general webhook integration to receive error tracking notifications on any platform. Just provide the webhook URL for the platform you want to integrate with, and you're all set!

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