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Traffic Report

The Traffic Report provides insights into various metrics related to the traffic on your website. It includes information such as average pages per visit, average session duration, bounce rate, total number of visits, new vs returning users ratio, conversion rate, referrer bounce rate, unique users, top referrers, referrer conversion rate, and device comparison.

Traffic Report

Access the Traffic Report

To view the Traffic Report:

  • Log in to your Analyzee account.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the Analytics section of the platform.
  • Access the Traffic tab within the Analytics service.
  • Various metrics and charts will be displayed, providing insights into the traffic on your website.

Using the Filters within the Traffic Report

Some charts contain filters that can help you view data in a more useful way.

Traffic Filters


To learn more about filtering the data within reports, go to Filters


Average Pages per Visit

  • Definition: The average number of pages viewed during a visit to your site. Repeated views of a single page are counted.
  • Calculation: Total number of pages viewed / Total number of visits.

Bounce Rate

  • Definition: The percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave ("bounce") rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.
  • Calculation: (Total number of single-page sessions / Total number of sessions) * 100.
  • TODO: More details here

Total Number of Visits

  • Definition: The total number of visits to your site.

  • Calculation: Counting each visit when a visitor arrives, leaves, and returns within 30 minutes as one visit.

    Traffic Avg Pages Per Visit

New vs Returning Users Ratio

  • Definition: The ratio of new users to returning users over a specified time period.
  • Calculation: (Returning Users / (New Users + Returning Users)) * 100.

Traffic Avg Pages Per Visit

Conversion Rate

  • Definition: The percentage of visitors who made a purchase.
  • Calculation: (Total number of visitors who made a purchase / Total number of visitors) * 100.

Referrer Bounce Rate

  • Definition: The percentage of visitors who enter the site from a specific referrer and then leave ("bounce") without viewing other pages within the same site.
  • Calculation: (Total number of single-page sessions from a specific referrer / Total number of sessions from that referrer) * 100.

Unique Users

  • Definition: The number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your website over the course of a specified time period.

Traffic Avg Pages Per Visit

Top Referrers

  • Definition: The top 10 referrers to your website by the number of sessions.

Referrer Conversion Rate

  • Definition: The percentage of visitors who came from a specific referrer and made a purchase.
  • Calculation: (Total number of visitors who made a purchase from a specific referrer / Total number of visitors from that referrer) * 100.

Device Comparison

  • Definition: Comparison between desktop, mobile, and tablet users based on various metrics.

Traffic Avg Pages Per Visit


For any inquiries or assistance regarding the Traffic Report, please contact our support team at