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Adding Elements

Once you've created a new dashboard in Analyzee, the next step is to populate it with elements that will help you visualize and analyze your data effectively.

Create or Select a Dashboard

  • If you're creating a new dashboard, follow the steps outlined in the previous section.
  • If you already have an existing dashboard, select it from the list of available dashboards.

Adding Elements to Your Dashboard

  • Once you're in the dashboard interface, look for the option to add widgets or elements.
  • Click on the "Add element" and an interface will open up with a library of elements to choose from.

Configure the Element

  • In the add element interface, you'll see a preview visualization.
  • Here, you can also provide a title for the element to help identify it on your dashboard.
  • You can select between a Text element and a Query element.
  • For a Text element, you can add a description or any other text content.
  • For a Query element, you can select a data source and write a query to fetch the data you want to visualize.
    • Adding a query will allow you to visualize the data in various formats such as charts, graphs, and tables.
    • While in this interface, you can select the query you want to visualize.
    • You cannot edit the query here, to do this, you need to go back to the query editor.
  • Once you've configured the element, click "Save" to add it to your dashboard.