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A workspace that feels like it's designed just for you. That's what Custom Dashboards in Analyzee offer – a place where you can set up your analytics playground exactly the way you want it.

What is a Custom Dashboard?

Think of Custom Dashboards as your own tailor-made command center within Analyzee. Instead of sifting through heaps of irrelevant data, you get to handpick what's important to you and display it in a way that makes sense.

How Does a Custom Dashboard Work?

You choose the metrics, dimensions, and visualizations that matter most to your analysis. Want to keep an eye on website traffic from a specific region? No problem. Interested in comparing sales figures across different product categories? You got it. With Custom Dashboards, the power is in your hands. Analyzee offers a diverse range of visualizations to bring your data to life. Forget about complicated coding or intricate design processes. With Analyzee, designing your dashboard is as simple as dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas. Whether you're adding graphs, charts, tables, or text boxes, our intuitive interface makes it effortless to arrange and customize your dashboard layout. Whether you're analyzing sales performance, tracking marketing campaigns, or monitoring key metrics, our intuitive interface puts the tools you need right at your fingertips.

Using Queries and Data Sources

Analyzee lets you go beyond surface-level insights by incorporating personalized queries and data sources into your Custom Dashboards. This means you can ask specific questions about your data and get answers tailored to your needs. The official analyzee data source serves as a reliable repository of data specifically curated and optimized for analyzee's analytics platform. Users can effortlessly tap into this centralized data hub, ensuring quick and efficient analysis. Analyzee supports standard SQL syntax, making it easy for users familiar with SQL to write and execute queries without any additional learning curve.

Custom Dashboards: Tailoring Insights to Your Needs

In Analyzee, you have the power to craft personalized dashboards that align precisely with your analytical objectives. The process begins with building queries to extract relevant data, followed by creating visualizations that transform raw data into meaningful insights. These queries and visualizations serve as the building blocks for constructing custom dashboards tailored to your unique requirements.

  1. Building Queries: Start by constructing queries that retrieve the specific data you need for analysis. Whether you're querying internal databases, accessing external APIs, or uploading files, Analyzee provides a user-friendly interface for crafting SQL queries that fetch relevant data subsets.

  2. Creating Visualizations: Once you've extracted the necessary data with your queries, it's time to visualize it. Analyzee offers a diverse range of visualization options, including charts, graphs, and tables. Choose the visualization type that best represents your data insights and provides clarity to your analysis.

  3. Constructing Custom Dashboards: With your queries and visualizations in hand, you can now assemble custom dashboards that encapsulate your analytical findings. Utilize Analyzee's drag-and-drop dashboard builder to arrange your visualizations, add context with text elements, and configure interactive features.

  4. Tailoring Insights: Custom dashboards allow you to tailor insights to your specific needs. Whether you're tracking KPIs, monitoring campaign performance, or analyzing sales trends, you can organize your visualizations in a way that provides a comprehensive overview of your data landscape.

  5. Iterative Refinement: Building custom dashboards is an iterative process. Continuously refine your queries and visualizations based on evolving analytical requirements and feedback from stakeholders. Analyzee's flexible platform enables you to adapt your dashboards to changing business needs with ease.