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Analyzee Data Source

Analyzee Data Source Overview

The Analyzee data source contains information about user sessions, including details such as session ID, project ID, location, device, browser, and timestamps. This data is collected to analyze user behavior, track interactions, and gain insights into user engagement on various platforms or websites.


  1. sessions:
    • id: Session ID.
    • project: Project ID.
    • city: City of the user.
    • country: Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
    • ip: IP address of the user.
    • coordinates: User coordinates.
    • referrer: Referrer information.
    • browser: Browser information.
    • engine: Engine information.
    • os: Operating system information.
    • device: Device information.
    • created_at: Session creation timestamp.
    • ended_at: Session end timestamp.
    • timezone_offset: Timezone offset in minutes.
    • sessions: Indicates if the session has been recorded.
    • latest_ping: Latest ping timestamp.

Example Queries:

1. Retrieve Session Information:

SELECT id, project, city, country, ip, coordinates, referrer, browser, os, device, created_at, ended_at, timezone_offset
FROM sessions;

2. Count the Number of Recorded Sessions:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS session_count
FROM sessions;

3. Analyze User Browsers:

SELECT AS browser_name, COUNT(*) AS session_count
FROM sessions, UNNEST([browser]) AS browser
GROUP BY browser_name
ORDER BY session_count DESC

4. Analyzee User Locations:

SELECT country, city, COUNT(*) AS session_count
FROM sessions
GROUP BY country, city
ORDER BY session_count DESC

These example queries demonstrate how to retrieve session information, count recorded sessions, identify top browsers, and analyze user locations from the Analyzee data source. Adjust the queries based on your specific analytical requirements and data exploration needs.